Friday, November 16, 2012

George Seldes

November 16, 2012

On this date in 1890, crusading journalist George Seldes was born in Alliance, New Jersey, to a freethinking, deistic Russian immigrant father and a Russian immigrant mother who died when George was 6. Emma Goldman and other radicals often stayed in the Seldes spare bedroom in Pittsburgh. George became a cub reporter for the Pittsburgh Leader in 1909 (earning $3.50 a week in "lunch money"). He met and interviewed many celebrities of his era. He became night editor of the Pittsburgh Post five years later, and eventually was hired by United Press to report in London in 1916. Seldes became an accredited war correspondent for Marshall Syndicate in 1917 in Paris, and managing editor of the army edition of the Chicago Tribune in 1918. Seldes and several colleagues were court-martialed for "breaking the armistice" after interviewing Hindenburg, the chief commander of the German forces. Seldes always believed that had he been permitted to publish the interview, in which Hindenburg openly credited American entry with German defeat, it might have forestalled the rise of Nazism. The "Dolchstoss" (stab in the back) myth grew in Germany that Germany had not really lost, but had been betrayed from within by the socialists, communists and Jews.
Seldes spent a decade reporting in Europe, and interviewed Trotsky and Lenin before being expelled from Russia. He was also expelled from Italy for writing truthfully about Mussolini. In the 1930s he went to Spain to report on the fascist Gen. Francisco Franco. Seldes and his wife Helen Larkin purchased a home in Woodstock, Vermont, thanks to a $5,000 loan by neighbor Sinclair Lewis (another neighbor was Dorothy Thompson). George and Helen began publishing In fact, devoted to press criticism, from 1940-1950. During its peak, the circulation was 176,000. Seldes was the first to report the link between cancer and cigarette smoking. He wrote 21 books, including: You Can't Print That! (1929), Can These Things Be! (1931), The Vatican: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, a critical look, Iron, Blood & Profits (1934), Sawdust Caesar (1935), about Mussolini, Freedom of the Press (1935), Lord of the Press (1938), The Catholic Crisis (1940), examining Church ties to fascism, and Witch Hunt (1940), about red-baiting. Seldes continued writing books, and edited the invaluable references, The Great Quotations (1960) and The Great Thoughts (1985). His final book, Witness to a Century (1987), was written about his 80 years as a newspaperman when Seldes was 96. Until his death at age 104, George Seldes was the oldest member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. The 1996 film, "Tell the Truth and Run," by Rick Goldsmith, features interviews with Seldes and was nominated for an Academy Award. D. 1995.
“And so [my brother] Gilbert and I, brought up without a formal religion, remained throughout our lifetimes just what Father was, freethinkers. And, likewise, doubters and dissenters and perhaps Utopians. Father's rule had been 'Question everything, take nothing for granted,' and I never outlived it, and I would suggest it be made the motto of a world journalists' association.”

— George Seldes, Witness to a Century: Encounters with the Noted, the Notorious, and the Three SOBs, 1987

Compiled by Annie Laurie Gaylor -

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