Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Walking on water. Not as crazy as it sounds.

Several creatures in the animal kingdom possess the ability to run, walk and even stand still on water. The first example is that of the basilisk lizard. It can be found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. To escape from predators, it is known to run across water bodies to safety. It is capable of moving in this fashion at an impressive speed of 1.5 meters per second. If humans wanted to match this, we would need to move our legs back and forth at over 100 kilometers per hour.

Water Striders are insects that exploit surface tension to achieve this. Their legs are spread wide apart and their bodies weigh very little. So the surface tension of the water is able to support their load, allowing the water to skate above the surface of the water

But the most amazing instance of an animal walking on water is the Pygmy Gecko (pictured). It's tiny - so small that it is smaller than even some insects. It lives in the Amazon rainforest. In such an environment, it constantly runs the risk of drowning in a puddle or being swept away by raindrops. Yet, this gecko has a hydrophobic skin. If water falls on it, it just beads up and slides off, much like rain on a newly waxed car. Coupled with its incredibly light body frame, the Pygmy Gecko is literally able to stand on water, even in the most torrential rain.

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Video of the Pygmy Gecko in action:

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