Monday, July 23, 2012

Daniel Radcliffe

July 23, 2012

On this date in 1989, actor Daniel Jacob Radcliffe was born to a Protestant father and Jewish mother in London. Radcliffe was selected for the 1999 BBC television production of "David Copperfield" to play the young title character. The film was well-received in Britain, and it helped land Radcliffe a small role in the 2001 Pierce Brosnan movie, "The Tailor of Panama." During filming, there was a massive search in the UK to find someone to play Harry Potter in the film version of the J.K. Rowling creation. Jamie Lee Curtis, on the set of "The Tailor of Panama," sized up Daniel Radcliffe and told his mother, "He could be Harry Potter." Indeed, Radcliffe became immortalized as the star of the eight-movie Harry Potter series. Radcliffe also acted in "December Boys" (2007), "My Boy Jack" (2007), and had his first theatrical role in the critically acclaimed West End play, "Equus" (2007). Answering a question about what God would say to him when he arrives at the "Pearly Gates,"  he told James Lipton during a 2008 appearance on "Inside The Actors Studio": " 'Bet you're surprised to see me!' Because it would be... because I'm not, as I said, religious."
"I don't [believe in God]. I have a problem with religion or anything else that says, 'We have all the answers,' because there's no such thing as 'the answers.' We're complex. We change our minds on issues all the time. Religion leaves no room for human complexity."

— Daniel Radcliffe, to Parade Magazine, Jan. 8, 2012

Compiled by Bonnie Gutsch (FFRF)

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