Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Purposes of the Polish Association of Rationalists

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Racjonalistów (abbreviation: PSR) /The Polish Association of Rationalists/
is a union operating on the basis of the act of 7.4.1989 — the Unions Act and the resolutions of the
Memorandum of 24.4.2005, of an ideological, ethical, philosophical and scientific nature of the
Polish rationalists who aim to realize the following purposes:

1) to unite and integrate the Polish society with rationalistic views into an association which is able
to act for the cause of social dissemination and consolidation of independent, critical thinking,
rational and scientific study and explaining of the surrounding world;

2) to develop and propagate the philosophy of life based on the scientific knowledge, reason,
experience and secular ethics;

3) to develop tolerant attitudes, fight against biases and support the idea of open-minded society;

4) to oppose the spreading of harmful stereotypes that result in limiting the individual development
of man and to act for the benefit of individual's freedom in the boundaries of the operating law;

5) to popularize science and the scientific method; to defend science against the modern attempts to
discredit and deform it; to propagate the social meaning of science and to act for the cause of its

rehabilitation as a public priority;

6) to act for the benefit of society of knowledge (information);

7) to act for the cause of eliminating the influence of irrational ideologies on state legislation,
science's development, artistic activity and general mentality;

8) to act for the cause of separating churches and religious associations from the State, as well as
fight for this State's ideological neutrality;

9) to defend the Association's members' interests — to the best of our ability -against ideological,
political and social pressures limiting free thinking, acting, the development of science, culture, art;
to support and defend the rights of discriminated people's rights, directly and indirectly, especially
over their ideology, sexual orientation, nationality, race, ethnic origins, and sex, as well as provide
help in those rights' realization;

10) to propagate creative, active attitude, social and civil committal; to work for the benefit of
development and realization of interests, knowledge and of widening mental horizons of its

The Association realizes its purposes through:

1) popularization of knowledge; shaping social and community ethics of its members

2) organizing courses, exhibitions, lectures, shows, talks, discussions, conferences, symposiums and
thematic seminars in the scope connected the Association's purposes

3) organizing meetings and trips of the members and sympathizers of the Association

4) maintenance and development of the Association's website, „Racjonalista" ('The Rationalist')

5) publishing and distribution of periodicals, leaflets, folders and conducting other publishing

6) preparing and publishing — in internet and other mass media - declarations, appeals, open letters,
polls, analyses and reports involving specific problems, challenges and initiatives;

7) initiating, preparing, passing opinions and supporting projects of legal acts, in particular those
concerning regulations of religious relations, educational, scientific and social issues;

8) organizing competitions that propagate knowledge and creativity in specific areas and topics;

9) giving counsel and representation of the Association's members in public organs in their
individual affairs connected with the Association's purposes, as well providing other help in this

10) undertaking cooperation with authorities, organizations, institutions, periodicals, social groups,
and people interested in the Association's activities

11) establishing cooperation with academic and student organizations; forming clubs and circles of
rationalists that are converging points of students and academic workers

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